Internet becomes more important in those days. As we know past 6 months how difficult for us, Each person get locked due to covid-19 disease and lot's of companies started provide online work from home, So I am also doing online work, But my old Wi-Fi router can't provide me that type of speed what I need Because I have to complete lot's of tasks at a time so for fast internet speed I decided to choose Google Wi-Fi router after reading all the feedback of the customers so here are some easy steps to complete the Google Wifi Setup
- For setting up, Must need to download the 'Google Home' app in your device.
- Be sure your "Google Router" adapter is connected to an electric outlet and switch it "ON"
- After then, Just wait for While until the LED lights turns into "Blue" Color, mean's your router is ready to setup.
- Open your Google Home app and in the corner you will see a + "sign" just click on that and it will automatically search all available network's nearby you and show you the list.
- Choose your home router device, Automatically it will search. Now, Click "YES" to continue.
- You have to Scan QR code to established the connection, If Scan option is not available then enter the Setup security code manually.
- Decide location, where you want to place your router.
- Choose any desired name to your network or password.
- Now your Wi-Fi network is created and ready to use.
- For more information about google home wifi router login, can read manual